Escallonia Laevis Pink Elle Lades
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Escallonia laevis pink elle lades. Butterfly lovers easy care plants hummingbird lovers needs deadheading bloom color. Variety or cultivar pink elle pink elle is a compact bushy evergreen shrub with glossy ovate toothed dark green leaves and from summer into autumn dense upright panicles of tubular pink flowers fading to white with age. 5 5 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star 5 reviews write review. Add add to wishlist. Pink elle lades ppaf. Light green medium green. Early spring early fall habit.
24 in 3 ft additional characteristics. From early summer the stems tips of escallonia laevis pink elle are crowded with clusters of tubular pink flowers that are larger than most cultivars. Quantity 1 plus minus. Pink elle lades ppaf. Pp 23 984 item form. Hummingbird lovers needs deadheading butterfly lovers easy care plants bloom color. This neat compact shrub has a pleasing rounded habit that makes a fine specimen for borders and an attractive hedging plant.
Escallonia pink elle escallonia laevis lades escallonia laevis pink elle genus. 7 9 bloom start to end. 7 9 bloom start to end. Light green medium green. Escallonia laevis pink elle lades pbr escallonia. Genus escallonia are evergreen shrubs with glossy leathery toothed leaves sometimes sticky and 5 petalled white pink or red flowers in terminal racemes or panicles in summer and early autumn details pink elle is a bushy evergreen shrub with large heads of mid pink flowers from summer and again less prolifically in autumn. Pp 23 984 item form.
24 in 3 ft additional characteristics. 24 in 3 ft plant width.